Australian Couples Give Birth To A Generation Free Of The Psychological Burden

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26th October 2010, 09:00am - Views: 2270
Australian Couples Give Birth to a Generation Free of the Psychological Burden of Breast Cancer

Scientists call for wider awareness of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis for patients at high risk of passing breast cancer genes to their children

Scientists from Sydney IVF are calling for wider awareness of a technology that can stop breast cancer genes being passed onto the children of couples with an inherited pre-disposition to breast cancer.

According to Sydney IVF's Scientific Director, Steven McArthur, families with a history of cancer should be aware that there is an effective and efficient preventative treatment available that can enable at risk couples to achieve a pregnancy free of an inherited gene mutation.

"Mutations in the genes known as BRCA1 and BRCA2 are thought to be responsible for increased risk for breast and ovarian cancers and contribute significantly to an inherited predisposition to these cancers.

"'Using preimplantation genetic diagnosis we can avoid the inheritance of a predisposition to breast cancer thus reducing the psychological burden of pregnancy of an 'at risk' child as well as eliminating the potential need for future radical prophylactic surgery for a female," Mr McArthur said.
Scientists from Sydney IVF recently attended a conference in Singapore to discuss 'the next generation' of treating breast cancer. Their presentation, 'Using preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) to avoid the inheritance of predisposition to breast cancer' detailed the high pregnancy rates of 57 percent in those who used the technology and showed that PGD was a viable clinical option in selecting embryos without the known serious cancer predisposition mutation.

"We are now seeing the birth of a generation with a greatly reduced risk of developing breast cancer in their lifetime - this truly is the next generation of treating breast cancer."

Studies suggest an estimated cumulative risk of breast and ovarian cancer in female gene carriers of 87% and 44% respectively (BRCA1) and 84% and 27% respectively (BRCA2) by age 70, while male carriers reportedly have an elevated risk of prostate or breast cancers. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) can be used to identify and select for embryos not carrying these mutations.

The conference was jointly organised between the Human Genome Organisation (HUGO) and the International Association of Breast Cancer Research (IABCR) ( which focuses on the intersection of Genomics , Biology, and Breast Cancer Treatment.


Note to Editors:

Issued by Publicis Life Brands on behalf of Sydney IVF.

About Sydney IVF

Sydney IVF is Australia's leading centre for infertility and IVF treatment. Sydney IVF has a strong and long-standing commitment to supporting research, a value that sets Sydney IVF apart from other purely clinical IVF centres.

Fertility treatment protocols and technology developed at Sydney IVF are made commercially available and widely used by other Australian fertility clinics.

Sydney IVF continues to make valuable contributions to significantly improving Assisted Reproduction Techniques (ART) in Australia and around the world. This ultimately results in Sydney IVF having one of the highest IVF pregnancy rates in the world and esteemed global reputation as leaders in ART research and development.

The Sydney IVF Blog Team
Sydney IVF has recently launched a blog team at Via the blog and on Twitter, the team provides a means to speak directly with experts outside of the clinic. The bloggers include Sydney IVF's Medical Director, Assoc. Prof. Mark Bowman, Sydney IVF Nurses and Patient Care and Support staff.

For further information or to organise an interview, please contact Publicis Life Brands

Cheryl Pettinau
[email protected]
Ph: (02) 9006 2943
M: 0424 15 77 14


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