Aims Ceo Reappointment

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20th December 2009, 05:30pm - Views: 1404
AIMS CEO Reappointment

The CEO of the Australian Institute of Marine Science, Dr Ian Poiner has been reappointed until July 2011.

The reappointment was recommended by the AIMS Council and was recently confirmed by the Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd.

Chairman of the AIMS Council, Dr Ian Gould said: "We are absolutely delighted that Dr Poiner's reappointment has been confirmed and that the positive momentum can be maintained.

"Under Dr Poiner's experienced leadership, AIMS has moved forward strongly in scientific capability and performance, international participation and reputation and in collaboration with other marine science organisations and governments."

Dr Gould said AIMS had played a key role in the greater understanding of the effects of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide levels on oceanic temperatures and acidification, especially in relation to the Great Barrier Reef.

He said AIMS was Australia's tropical marine research agency and was recognised as one of the world's most productive and innovative.

"Dr Poiner has also positioned AIMS to provide the scientific knowledge to assist the sustainable development of the offshore oil and gas fields in NW Australia."

"He has particularly driven measurement, and greater appreciation of the immense economic, as well as environmental value of our marine domain, to the nation," Dr Gould said.

AIMS has a staff of more than 200, an annual budget of $45 million and an asset base of $115 million, including a headquarters in Townsville and laboratories in Darwin and Perth, as well as a research fleet, providing access to tropical marine environments.

Under Dr Poiner's leadership, AIMS is constructing the $55 million Tropical Marine Research Facility in Townsville, announced as part of the Government's Super Science Package in the last budget.

Dr Poiner has scientific expertise in tropical marine ecology and fisheries including: understanding how marine systems are influenced by human activities, their environment and climate factors, and developing and evaluating fisheries and environmental management strategies including ecosystem level approaches.

For further information:
Dr Ian Gould, AIMS Chair, 0417 115 602, [email protected]
Dr Ian Poiner, AIMS CEO, 0419 702 652, [email protected]
Ms Wendy Ellery, AIMS media liaison, 0418 729 265, [email protected]

SOURCE: Australian Institute of Marine Science

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