Media Alert - Csiro Medals Announced

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13th October 2009, 01:31pm - Views: 1451

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Media Alert

Australian Science, Australia’s


13 October 2009



From African Big Headed and Yellow Crazy ants, 

finding black holes to making a better wireless

computer network – CSIRO honours its best

The CSIRO will tomorrow celebrate the work of some of its staff through the annual CSIRO

Medals awards in Melbourne.

Among the winners are the scientific, commercial and legal teams responsible for the

development of fast, indoor wireless computer networks (WLAN) for portable devices which

is now used in over 800 million devices around the world – and growing.

The research team, with backgrounds mostly unrelated to computing, found a solution to the

’multipath’ problem which was a major obstacle to the development of fast, indoor wireless

networks and had eluded 22 major international research groups.

Another winner is a young scientist who has been looking at how to control the growing

number of invasive ants such as the African Big Headed, Yellow Crazy, Tropical Fire and

Singapore in northern Australia.

Dr Ben Hoffmann has been researching the ecology and management of invasive ants,

especially on Indigenous lands. His science-based approach to invasive ant management

has led to internationally significant eradications of some of the world’s worst ant pests from

regions of outstanding ecological and cultural significance, including areas within Kakadu

National Park, Arnhem Land and the Tiwi Islands. 

A Lifetime Achievement Medal will be awarded to Dr Warwick Wilson who has been making

instruments for radioastronomy for over 27 years. In that time he has made instruments so

sensitive they can “hear” radio signals from distant stars and galaxies billions of light years

from Earth.

His instruments have been critical in keeping CSIRO and Australia at the forefront of

radioastronomy and helping other scientists find black holes, starts, pulsars and galaxies

hidden in the depths of the universe.

WHAT: CSIRO Medals ceremony

WHEN: Wednesday October 14, 12.15pm to 3.00pm.

WHERE: Sofitel Melbourne Hotel, 25 Collins Street, Melbourne

The media are invited to attend the awards and interview winners prior to the

ceremony at 11.45am. Please call Huw Morgan, CSIRO Media Liaison on 0417

834 547 for more information.

Further Information: 

Huw Morgan, CSIRO Media Liaison

Mb: 0417 834 547


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