Welcome Boost To Funding For Australia-india Science Collaboration

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13th November 2009, 03:00pm - Views: 1450

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Australian Academy of Science – Media release

Welcome boost to funding for Australia-India science collaboration

13 November

The Australian Academy of Science applauds the announcement of a major boost to the

Australia-India Strategic Research Fund.

The substantial investment of an additional $50m over five years, which will be matched by the

Indian Government, is properly targeted towards energy, food and water, health and

environmental challenges. These are priorities that directly support sustainable living.

While clearly of benefit to both our countries, the global nature of these challenges ensures that

research outcomes will also have global benefits.

Building upon established scientific relationships and the previous $20m Australia-India Strategic

Research Fund, this announcement will bring about unprecedented cooperation between

Australian and Indian researchers and institutions. Research strengths, expertise, facilities and

new ideas of both countries will be harnessed to produce research over the coming years that will

directly address common problems.

Professor Kurt Lambeck, President of the Australian Academy of Science, said, ‘Both Australia

and India are faced with enormous challenges and both have much to contribute to finding ways

to live sustainably in the years ahead. It is pleasing that the agreement recognises the central role

science and technology plays in developing international relationships.’

The announcement sets the gold standard for Australia’s scientific engagement with a single

country. The investment is consistent with the Government’s ambition, detailed in this year’s

Powering Ideas Innovation White Paper, to increase international collaboration in research by

Australian universities and public research agencies over the next decade.

The Academy will soon release a position paper on the internationalisation of Australian science.

Media contact: Martin Callinan, 02 6201 9458, 0417 209 425

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