2009 Game Developers Conference Europe Opens Online Registration

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2nd April 2009, 11:14pm - Views: 1281

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2009 Game Developers Conference Europe Opens Online Registration

BERLIN, April 2 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

         Pan-European Developer Event to Connect Peers, Luminaries, and

      Business Professionals Worldwide in Cologne, Germany August 17-19

    Online registration for the 2009 Game Developers Conference(R) Europe

(GDC Europe) is now open through August 18. GDC Europe will play host to over

80 lectures, panels, and keynotes from top international speakers-serving as

the country's premier professional event and addressing the needs and

opportunities for developers and business professional throughout Europe

today. Early registrants to GDC Europe receive additional discounts before

the end of Professional Discount Day, July 29.

    GDC Europe will focus on business and management, game design,

production, programming, and will cover topics in mobile and serious games.

Resonating with the needs of the local development community, the conference

will play special attention to online games and the opportunities in

developing for social networking communities, and host day and evening

networking events.

    "GDC Europe will be the definitive European developer event this year,"

said Frank Sliwka event director. "We are combining the unique strengths,

history, and reach of the GDC to Europe and creating an event truly focused

in serving developers in Europe and worldwide."

    GDC Europe will take place from August 17-19, 2009 at the Cologne

Congress East Center in Cologne, Germany and will be held in conjunction with

gamescom, the leading game industry European event for consumers, publishers,

    About the Think Services Game Group

    A core provider of essential information to the professional game

industry, the Think Services Game Group offers market-defining content, and

drives community through its award winning lineup of print, online, event and

research products and services. These include Game Developer Magazine, Game

Developer Research, the Webby Award-winning Gamasutra.com,

GameCareerGuide.com, WorldsInMotion.biz, GameSetWatch.com, GamesOnDeck.com,

SeriousGamesSource.com, the Game Developers Conference(R), the Game

Developers Conference(R) Austin, the Game Developers Conference(R) Europe,

the Game Developers Conference(R) China, GDC Mobile, the Game Career

Seminars, the Independent Games Festival and Summit, and the Game Developers

Choice Awards. To learn more, visit www.tsgamegroup.com

    About Think Services, a division of United Business Media

    Think Services connects specialized communities worldwide using

educational events, consulting, training, certification, membership, and

innovative media. Providing comprehensive opportunities for people to learn

from, network with, and inspire each other, Think Services builds strong

brands and works within communities to foster a unique affinity with its

products and services. The division's flagship products include the Game

Developers Conference, the Webby Award-winning Gamasutra.com, Game Developer

magazine, the International Customer Management Institute (ICMI), and HDI.

Think Services is a subsidiary of United Business Media 

(http://www.unitedbusinessmedia.com/), a global media and marketing services

company with a market capitalization of more than $1.6 billion. To learn

Science Information Technology Think Services Game Group 3 image

more, visit www.think-services.com.


                   Simon Wondracek, Gerriet Ohls, Europe

                   +49 (0)251 7481123

                   sw@fragster.de, go@fragster.de

                   Ben Veechai, US




                   Frank Sliwka, Vice President European Business Development

                   +49 (0)171 1288898


    SOURCE: Think Services Game Group

    CONTACT: Media, 


             Simon Wondracek 

             sw@fragster.de, or 

             Gerriet Ohls

             go@fragster.de, both for Think Services Game Group 

             +49 (0)251 7481123; or


             Ben Veechai 


             bveechai@think-services.com, or 

             Frank Sliwka, Vice President European Business Development 

             +49 (0)171 1288898

             fsliwka@think-services.com, both of Think Services Game Group

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