First Vpn Client Suite For Windows 7 In The World

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17th November 2009, 02:23pm - Views: 872

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First VPN Client Suite for Windows 7 in the World

NUREMBERG, Nov. 17/PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    NCP engineering GmbH in Nuremberg announces the release of the first 

universal IPsec VPN Client Suite for Windows 7. This software not only 

supports all 32 and 64 Bit Microsoft operating systems but also includes 

comprehensive performance features for easy and economical Remote Access 

such as: VPN Path Finder technology, optimisation for 64 bit systems and 

support for the latest drivers as well as WLAN roaming. The compatibility 

with VPN Gateways of all renowned manufacturers is also of utmost importance.

    The NCP Secure Entry Client meets, in its latest version 9.2, the

constantly growing needs of VPN Clients for 64 Bit Windows systems and

complies with the main requirements of companies to only have to use one

universal IPsec VPN Client in heterogeneous IT landscapes. The consistent

operation and user interface reduces helpdesk costs and training costs. A

highlight of the new version is the "NCP VPN Path Finder Technology". This

performance feature allows users to also establish IPsec data connections

behind firewalls which have a port configuration that usually makes it

impossible to establish IPsec communication (e.g. in hotels or public

hotspots). Therefore, there are no longer any issues to comprehensively

implement an IPsec based security policy.

    Further improvements in version 9.2 are: support for the newest Intel

Wi-Fi driver and mobile broadband, the 64 bit optimization, WLAN roaming and

"tip of the day". The 64 bit optimization increases data throughput by about

20%, WLAN roaming automatically chooses the strongest available access point

with the same SSID and the "tip of the day" shows the user examples of the

wide range of potential uses of the NCP VPN Client. Handling for user and

administrator is also improved. Examples for these improvements are e.g. the

optimized WLAN GUI and field intensity, profile exports and the revised

3G/UMTS configuration

    The NCP Secure Entry Client offers, as the VPN Client Suite, coordinated

communication and safety related performance features for universal Remote

Access. The VPN Client offers, as a Client Suite, an intuitive, graphical

user interface; its own dialler, a dynamic personal firewall and the

integrated support of a large number of mobile connect cards. Teleworkers

hence really get a true "one-click-solution". Comfort functions include

budget manager, WISPr-support, automatic media type recognition, import of

profiles of "foreign" VPN gateways and OTP mobile support reduce support

costs and operating costs.

    Companies can download a 30 day unlimited trial of the Client's version

    Further information:


    Web page:


    Data Sheet:


Science Information Technology NCP Engineering GmbH 3 image



    Headquartered in Nuremberg, Germany, NCP engineering helps IT network

managers secure data transmission in public networks and across the Internet.

Organisations that employ remote access, mobile computing, teleworking and

e-commerce throughout the world rely on NCP for key secure communications

technology including Remote Access, IP-Routing, VPN and Firewall solutions,

Identity and Access Management (IAM) and Network Access Control (NAC). The

firm is devoted to avoiding vendor-lock for customers through regular

compatibility testing and full integration with PKI-Infrastructures, as well

as support for two-factor authentication on end-devices. NCP serves customers

through a network of technology, reseller and VAR, and OEM partners,

including WatchGuard, T-Systems, Lancom and Astaro.  


    Press Contacts

    NCP engineering GmbH

    Juergen Hoenig



Source: NCP Engineering GmbH

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