New Content Intergration Platform For Fatwire

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2nd June 2009, 02:47pm - Views: 1087

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New Versions Deliver Richer Tools for Facilitating the Creative Process

for the Web, and Increased Flexibility at Lower Costs for 

Sharing and Repurposing Content

Mineola, NY – June 1, 2009 - FatWire Software today announced the launch

of FatWire TeamUp 3.1 and the FatWire Content Integration Platform 1.5. 

These new releases streamline the collaboration and content creation process

for the web, and save time and cost in sharing and reusing content.  These

capabilities extend FatWire’s market-leading Web Experience Management

(WEM) portfolio, including the flagship FatWire Content Server web content

management solution.  

Teams everywhere increasingly rely on collaboration tools as a means of

improving productivity, creativity and communication. In order for web

managers and marketers to make use of the rich assets of creative teams,

they need to be able to access these assets seamlessly for use online and

manage these assets according to enterprise requirements.  

FatWire TeamUp 3.1 is an advanced collaboration platform that enables

disparate teams to work together and share content, with modern social

computing features such as simple to set up wikis, blogs, comments, social

tagging, and more.  This new release gives marketers an even richer tool set

for creating web content, encouraging creativity across multiple projects,

driving efficiencies in personal productivity, and facilitating team


“Our family of stock exchanges, located in six countries in Europe and the

United States, offer a vast array of value added services for over 6,500 listed

issuers,” said Steven Ficalora, Managing Director, Web Systems, NYSE

Euronext. “Our marketing and communication teams need to effectively

engage our listed companies and various support resources on numerous

initiatives and campaigns. FatWire TeamUp enables them to work efficiently

and in a real-time environment despite wide geographical distances, and to

share creative assets that are used to ultimately enhance our brand and the

image of our customers.” 

Key features in FatWire TeamUp 3.1 include:

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ABN: 38 105 915 973

23/40 City Rd, Southbank, VIC, 3006 ? Ph +61 3 9674 7299  Fx +61 3 9804 0006

ABN 38105915973

Wiki-based collaborative spaces now offer application mashups for

plugging third party or custom applications into the collaboration


Personalization: Users can maintain their personalized dashboard of

gadgets, personal profiles and workgroups, and a personal news feed.

Enhanced rich media management enables automated video

storyboarding, preview of PowerPoint slides and much more.

Robust content integration with FatWire Content Server and file

systems enables marketers to access content stored in remote file

systems and to move vast amounts of content and rich media from

TeamUp collaborative spaces into the Content Server authoring


New system administrator tools make user and group setup,

permissions set up, content moderation, and more simple to manage.

Multi-lingual interface support and features like version management

make it even simpler to manage collaborative content.

FatWire Content Integration Platform 1.5 puts enterprise content stored in

disparate repositories at the finger tips of web managers, so that they can

easily access the content they need to make websites rich and compelling.

The FatWire Content Integration Platform delivers tremendous flexibility for

custom integrations plus greater enterprise controls for content sharing.

"We produce and deliver a vast amount of digital content," said Enrique Uriel,

CTO of Real Madrid Club de Fútbol, one of the world's most prestigious

professional sports clubs.  "The FatWire Content Integration Platform and

FatWire Content Server provide our organization with a stable foundation for

accessing and managing our hundreds of thousands of media assets –

including images, video, and more – and distributing them to different

channels ranging from our website to mobile devices, and even TV."

Key features in FatWire Content Integration Platform 1.5 include:

Java Connector SDK: A generic connector enables a broad range of

developers to easily build custom connectors to proprietary or third

party systems. 


Current packaged connectors include EMC Documentum, MSFT

SharePoint, FatWire TeamUp, and file systems.

Content Change Control: When content that has been shared is

changed in the source repository, changes are automatically

propagated to the asset in Content Server, or the appropriate web

content managers are notified to take action, based on business rules. 

“Helping teams collaborate easily and making creative content accessible to

web managers are key enablers of marketing effectiveness,” said Loren

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ABN: 38 105 915 973

23/40 City Rd, Southbank, VIC, 3006 ? Ph +61 3 9674 7299  Fx +61 3 9804 0006

ABN 38105915973

Weinberg, senior vice president of marketing and product management at

FatWire Software. “These new product releases enable organizations to

enhance their collaborative capabilities and get the right content in the hands

of marketers quickly, so they can meet their online business goals.”

About FatWire

FatWire Software ( provides industry-leading web

experience management (WEM) solutions that enable organizations to

deliver a rich online experience to users and to simplify management of their

web presence.  FatWire is headquartered in Mineola, N.Y. and serves over

500 customers from offices in 10 countries.

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Copyright © 2009 FatWire Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 330 Old Country

Road, Suite 207, Mineola, N.Y. 11501. All trademarks, trade names, service

marks, and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies.

Microsoft and SharePoint are either registered trademarks or trademarks of

Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

Press Contact:

Lahra Carey

Nigel Trinca

Mobile: 0414 632 982

VP Asia Pac

Mobile: 0414 520 828

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