Nxp Software's Lifevibes(tm) Quickstart Boosts The Mobile Tv Experience!

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17th February 2009, 01:50am - Views: 1378

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NXP Software's LifeVibes(TM) QuickStart Boosts the Mobile TV Experience!

BARCELONA, Feb. 16 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    - LifeVibes(TM) QuickStart Improves Watching TV on Mobile Handsets

Through Faster Start up, Quicker and Easier Channel Zapping, and Reduced Re-


    NXP Software today unveiled its innovative LifeVibes(TM) QuickStart

software at the GSMA Mobile World Congress 2009. QuickStart is designed to

boost the quality of the user experience of mobile TV. It can cut times

needed to buffer video streams by up to a factor of 3, so viewing starts more

quickly. This reduced start-up latency also makes channel zapping much

quicker and easier. Plus the software smoothes viewing by reducing picture

"freeze" and re-buffering caused by momentary deteriorations in network


    Available as part of LifeVibes TvPlayer, QuickStart addresses key issues

that have hampered the uptake of streaming video and mobile TV. In

particular, it overcomes the slow start-up, tedious channel zapping, and lack

of video robustness. Indeed, QuickStart's highly efficient buffer management

technology can reduce the typical buffering time for a video stream, from

around 8-15 seconds, to as little as 3-5 seconds.

    Furthermore, the software can run on most mobile devices that support

video streaming and / or mobile TV, and it does not require any changes to

existing network infrastructure. Also, as a purely software solution,

QuickStart can be pre-installed on handsets or offered as application

download for smartphones.

    "Mobile TV and video are major growth markets for operators, service and

content providers. Juniper Research predicts a 10-fold growth to $12 billion

end-user generated revenues in 2012. By boosting the user's mobile TV

experience, QuickStart can become a key enabler to drive consumer demand,"

says Peter van de Berg, Marketing Director NXP Software.

    About NXP Software

    NXP Software is an Independent Software Vendor (ISV) with worldwide local

sales and support. It specializes in innovative multimedia solutions to help

mobile device and consumer electronics manufacturers deliver vibrant,

easy-to-enjoy multimedia experiences that truly stand out from the crowd. NXP

Software has established strong partnerships with key vendors to ensure

optimum flexibility, ease-of-integration and interoperability between

hardware and software platforms. Its LifeVibes(TM) software is used in over

540 million mobile devices, making the company the market leader in software

solutions for mobile multimedia. LifeVibes(TM) is a trademark of NXP


    SOURCE: NXP Software B.V.


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