17 June 2008
Is your great idea good enough
for a Science Award?
Time is running out! You have only four weeks left to lodge an application for a science
award and win up to $50,000 to help develop your great agriculture, fisheries, forestry, food
or natural resource industries idea.
Some of last years winners are investigating better hop varieties to brew better tasting beer,
extra genes for bigger prawns, ways of controlling banana fungus, selecting trees with
higher stress tolerance for marginal landscapes, using chickens for pest control, bullying
among crocodiles, and biofuels.
Applications for the 2008 Australian Agricultural Industries Young Innovators and Scientists
Awards close on 14 July 2008 and are open to people 18 to 35 years old who are working or
studying in the agriculture sector.
This years Awards are bigger and better than before, with 14 winners able to receive up to
$20 000 each to undertake a project to explore an emerging scientific issue or innovative
activity over a 12 month period, said Dr Colin Grant, Executive Director of the Bureau of
Rural Sciences (BRS).
One of these winners will also receive an additional $30 000 as recipient of the Minister for
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestrys Award, making the premier prize a total of up to $50
Winners can use their funding for individual or industry research projects, industry visits,
further study into a specific area or attending conferences to help them develop an idea for
an Australian agricultural sector.
See how your idea measures up get an application in soon.
Applications for the 2008 Australian Agricultural Industries Young Innovators and Scientists
Awards close at 5pm EST 14 July 2008. For further information and to download application
or call the Award coordinator on (02) 6272 5039.
Sponsors include the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy, Australian Egg Corporation Limited,
Australian Meat Processor Corporation, Australian Pork Limited, Dairy Australia, Forest and
Wood Products Australia, Horticulture Australia Limited, Land and Water Australia, Meat and
Livestock Australia and the Research and Development Corporations of Fisheries, Grains,
Grape and Wine, Rural Industries and Sugar.
MORE INFORMATION: Jenny Bibo, BRS Communications Manager, 0434 735 465