Nics Update

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29th January 2010, 05:47pm - Views: 1444

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Special Edition 

Welcome to the first issue of NICS Update for 2010.  

For information about any items in this issue, please contact

In this issue

NHMRC TRIP Fellowships – Calling now for applications!

NHMRC TRIP Fellowships – Calling now for applications!

The National Health and Medical Research Council recently announced the new Translating Research Into Practice

(TRIP) Fellowship scheme. Applications are now invited for 2010.

These Fellowships will contribute to training a cohort of professionals within Australia who can provide leadership

in research translation to improve clinical practice.

The National Health and Hospitals Reform Commission Report highlighted the need for the uptake of research

findings in clinical practice to effect real improvements in health outcomes for people.  Getting evidence to these

health professionals at the coalface is critical for these improvements to take place.  

It is clear that the greatest benefits Australians gain from health and medical research are realised when knowledge

gained from research is successfully translated into improved health care.

The Fellowships are available to early-to-mid career clinical leaders who have completed professional training in a

health discipline, including medical practitioners, nurses, allied health professionals and paramedics. 

The principles, aims and education components of the TRIP Fellowship scheme are essentially the same as those of

the NICS Fellowships, which they will replace.  Training in implementation science and the mentorship program

will continue to be coordinated by NICS.

The two-year half-time Fellowship provides support to undertake an implementation research project and includes

training and mentorship.  

A number of TRIP Partnership Awards are also being offered in 2010 through partnerships between NHMRC and

Cancer Australia, the National Centre for Gynaecological Cancers, the Heart Foundation, Multiple Sclerosis

Research Australia, The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists, and the Victorian

Neurotrauma Initiative. 

Information teleconferences about the TRIP Fellowships will be held on 1 and 2 February, 2010.  Additional dates

may be scheduled, pending demand - check the NHMRC website below for times and details.  To register for your

toll-free dial-in PIN please email

For more information about how to apply for TRIP Fellowships and TRIP Partnership Awards, visit: 

Applications close March 1, 2010, for funding commencing in October 2010.

For media queries contact: Julie Stragalinos, NICS, 03 8866 0409 / 0419 638 271

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