Top Nanotechnologist Speaks At Super Human Exhibition

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13th November 2009, 12:54pm - Views: 1416

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Top nanotechnologist speaks at Super Human exhibition

Dr Amanda Barnard, recipient of the 2009 Malcolm McIntosh Prize for Physical

Scientist of the Year, will present the address at the Artists’ Reception for the

Super Human: Revolution of the Species exhibition at RMIT Gallery on Sunday, 22


Gallery visitors are invited to meet the exhibition artists, all active at the leading

edge of creative practice, and to hear Dr Barnard speak about her equally

innovative work with nanoparticles.

Dr Barnard, last year’s RMIT University Alumnus of the Year, received the award

for her work in modelling nanoparticles. She is a Queen Elizabeth II Australian

Research Council fellow and heads CSIRO’s Virtual Nanoscience Laboratory.

She said that the award recognised that nanoscience and nanotechnology were

making an important and valuable contribution to the physical sciences – and to

the community as a whole.

Similar themes are explored in Super Human: Revolution of the Species, currently

at RMIT Gallery until 5 December. The exhibition highlights collaborations between

artists and scientists and investigates what it means to be human, now and into the


In her work Drift, exhibiting artist and RMIT lecturer Leah Heiss explores human

connectivity through small-scale interactive objects developed from materials

engineered at the nanoscale.

“I am interested in what happens when technologies and artefacts take on

personalities. While domestic appliances have computations that are premeditated

you know how your washing machine will behave – as an artist I can program

devices to do different things in the art sphere and this opens them up to emergent

outcomes,” Ms Heiss said.

Inspired by the 150th publication anniversary of The Origin of Species, Darwin’s

evolutionary treatise, the exhibition is part of a suite of events presented by The

Australian Network for Art & Technology (ANAT). The Super Human Symposium at

BMW Edge, Federation Square, on November 22-23 will continue the themes of

Augmentation, Cognition and Nanoscale Interventions.

Super Human: Revolution of the Species Artists’ Reception: RMIT Gallery, 6-8pm

Sunday, 22 November. Entry free. Bookings appreciated: (03) 9925 1717. 

Super Human: Revolution of the Species symposium: visit for more information, registration and ticket sales.

For media enquiries images and interviews: Evelyn Tsitas, RMIT Gallery: (03)

9925 1716 or 0418 139 015.

13 November, 2009  

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