Media Alert
No job too big for this clever SHRIMP
EMBARGOED: not before 1st April 2008
This SHRIMP is six metres long, weighs 12 tonnes and has the
ability to analyse trace elements inside individual minerals smaller
than a grain of sand.
The Sensitive High Resolution Ion MicroProbe (SHRIMP) will
provide important information that will increase our geological
understanding and assist resource exploration, particularly in
under-explored greenfields regions of Australia. Information that
could lead to the discovery of new mineral and energy resources.
The SHRIMP is an Australian success story. A product of 20 years
design and research at the Australian National University, the
complex leading-edge scientific instrument was built by Canberra
based company, Australian Scientific Instruments.
Opening of the Sensitive High-
Resolution Ion Microprobe Laboratory
by the Minister for Resources, Energy
and Tourism, the Hon. Martin
Ferguson, AM, MP
Geoscience Australia, Cnr of
Hindmarsh Drive & Jerrabomberra
Ave, Symonston, ACT
Tuesday 1 April 2008
11:15 for an 11:30 am start
For more information or to arrange interviews, please contact:
Geoscience Australia 24 hour media hotline 1800 882 035 or Felicity Edge
(02) 6249 9728