Further information:
Catherine Bailey, Questacon Public Affairs Coordinator, m 0439 399 912
Rebecca Richter, Office of the Chief Scientist, m 0410 029 407
Patrick Pantano, Senator Carr, m 0417 181 936
A better future for all Australians through engagement with science and innovation
King Edward Terrace Canberra ACT
PO Box 5322 Kingston ACT 2604 Australia
+61 2 6270 2800 f +61 6270 2808
Monday 15 February 2010
Nobel Prize winner, Minister and Australias Chief Scientist
inspire Australias future scientist
Australias Nobel Prize winner Professor Elizabeth Blackburn will join tomorrow with
Australias Chief Scientist, Professor Penny Sackett and the Minister for Innovation, Industry,
Science and Research, Senator Kim Carr to inspire and encourage young Australians to
connect and get interested in science at QuestaconThe National Science and Technology
Senator Carr, Professor Blackburn and Professor Sackett will work with the Questacon
Excited Particles to illustrate Professor Blackburns ground breaking research in the field of
genetics to over 100 school children.
To explain her work Professor Blackburn uses the analogy of telomeres being like the cap
at the end of a shoelace and this analogy will form part of tomorrows performance and
explanation, said Questacon Director, Professor Graham Durant.
Photo and Interview Opportunities:
Tuesday 16 February 2010
10 am Questacon Excited Particles performance
Media are asked to arrive at Questacon by 9.45 am
QuestaconThe National Science and Technology Centre
King Edward Terrace, Canberra
Photo opportunity: Questacon Excited Particles performance illustrating
Professor Blackburns research (audience and official party participation).
Professor Sackett, Professor Blackburn and Senator Carr with school
children in Measure Island exhibition
Interview: Professor Sackett and Professor Blackburn will be available for
interview in Questacons Measure Island exhibition