Celltick Launches First Global Advertising Network For The Idle Screen

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20th January 2009, 02:51pm - Views: 1268

Celltick Launches First Global Advertising Network for the Idle Screen

LONDON, January 20 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    Celltick, the leading provider of idle screen mobile marketing, today

announces the launch of livescreen.com, the world's first web-based ad server

which allows local and global advertisers to purchase idle screen advertising

in all markets where Celltick's LiveScreen Media platform is operational. The

platform was built in collaboration with BidVertiser an international ad

network serving billions of ads per month, using a proprietary ad serving


    Celltick's LiveScreen Media allows millions of users around the world to

receive entertainment, news, sports, business and lifestyle teasers, as well

as advertising and operator promotions, direct to the idle screens of their

mobile handsets. The content broadcast to each customer is segmented

according to their historical responses, geographic location, the time of day

and individual demographics - ensuring that all content is relevant to the

person who receives it.

    This announcement further reinforces Celltick's stated media strategy.

The first phase was to shift its business model from selling technology to

managing a media channel for operators. These services have already achieved

critical mass in their respective markets and are currently covering over 20

million users.

    LiveScreen Media allows advertisers to place idle screen advertising

campaigns prompting an immediate response from interested consumers.

Advertisers who have already taken advantage of this unique media channel

include Coke, America Express, Unilever and Honda. With the launch of

livescreen.com, long tail advertisers will now be able to participate in idle

screen promotions as well.

    A recent survey conducted among LiveScreen Media users indicates that 19%

of customers were exposed to advertising on the idle screen during the last 3


    - 43% of LiveScreen Media users are between the ages of 25-35, 40% are

      between the ages of 14-24.

    - 65% of LiveScreen Media users are male, 35% female.

    When examining users' attitudes towards, advertising, the majority (57%)

indicated that the most appealing proposition by advertisers on the idle

screen is a discount on the advertised service or product.

    Stephen Dunford, CEO of Celltick, said: "Celltick is proud to be

launching a global ad network specifically for the idle screen. The idle

screen represents one of the biggest mobile advertising opportunities in the

coming years, and we are already well placed to serve ads to millions of

mobile customers around the world. livescreen.com provides a central hub for

advertisers of all sizes to interact with customers on a local, personalized

and timely manner."

Science Telecommunication Celltick 2 image

    Celltick Technologies Ltd., the pioneer of Active Mobile

Marketing, has introduced a new medium into the mobile space. Its flagship

product, LiveScreen(TM) Media, allows content providers and advertisers to

broadcast targeted content and marketing messages to millions of mobile idle

screens, turning them into a network of interactive billboards, creating a

strong revenue stream for operators.

    Celltick cooperates with mobile operators to turn the mobile

screen into a powerful revenue driver. The company has close relations with

all network infrastructure companies, major SIM vendors, leading handset

manufacturers and industry standard organisations, as well as global content

providers and media agents.

    Founded in 2000 and privately owned, Celltick is headquartered

in the UK with offices in Israel, Russia, Singapore, India, Thailand and


    About BidVertiser http://www.bidvertiser.com

    BidVertiser (http://www.bidvertiser.com) runs an international 

advertising network, reaching over 60 Million unique users each month by 

running targeted ads on 50,000 websites, blogs, RSS feeds and videos. 

BidVertiser offers publishers with the ability to sell their ad space, 

automatically, to the highest bidder and allows advertisers to target ads on 

verticals of their choice with full control and transparency.

    For comprehensive survey results and any other press


    Stacy Fassberg

    PR Coordinator




    SOURCE: Celltick

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