Interest Rates Up But Tax Cut On Phone Bills Announced

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2nd November 2009, 01:39pm - Views: 1062

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Media Release




November 2009

               Interest Rate Rise but Tax Break on Phone Bills Announced   

Kidney Health Australia has chosen the eve of a proposed interest rate rise expected to be

announced tomorrow to launch an Australian wide phone service retailing operation which could

save families hundreds of dollars off their existing phone bills.  

Derek Finch, Head of Customer Operations, Kidney Health Australia said customers of KHA Comms are

able to designate a percentage of their telephone service account as a tax deductible donation to Kidney

Health Australia, which will enable them to claim a tax deduction.

“In the case of someone on a $99.00 Gold monthly plan they will receive a tax deductible credit of

over $115.00 annually. The same tax deduction program is available on home phones and ADSL

internet services which when taken together quickly adds up. 

“Given the current economic situation for many Australian families and those people on fixed

incomes, such as pensioners, the KHA Comms initiative will provide an opportunity to save money

on their mobile and home phone bills.     

“People can switch their phone accounts over via KHA Comms with a simple phone call and

immediately go onto the program.”     

As an added bonus the funds raised will be used to fight kidney disease, which is involved in killing

around fifty Australians every day.   

Kidney Health Australia does not receive any government funding and is entirely funded by the support of

the Australian community through fundraising and commercial activities such as the new telephone initiative. 

In the past decade it has invested some $21 million on vital kidney research and is responsible for assisting

thousands of kidney patients and their families. 

1800 4 KIDNEY that's - 1800 454 3639

Media Enquiries:  

Derek Finch Head of Customer Operations, Kidney Health Australia Mobile: 0401 777 901 

Ron Smith National Media Communications Kidney Health Australia Mobile: 0417 329 201   

NB. Derek Finch is based in Adelaide 

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