More Spectrum For Wireless Access Services On The Queensland Coast

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26th October 2010, 08:16pm - Views: 1884

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26 October 2010

More spectrum for wireless access services on the

Queensland Coast 

The Australian Communications and Media Authority is making additional spectrum

available for wireless access services in the 3.6 GHz band (3575 – 3700 MHz) on

the Queensland Coast. 

‘This latest release of spectrum in the 3.6 GHz band will further support the

deployment of broadband wireless and other wireless access services in regional

areas of Australia,’ said ACMA Chairman, Chris Chapman. ‘The ACMA has already

issued 194 licences to 11 service providers in locations in South East and Northern

SA, Victoria, Tasmania, Southern and Northern NSW, Queensland, Western

Australia and the Northern Territory.’

Transmitter licences allowing use of the 3.6 GHz band in the Queensland Coast will

be allocated via an over the counter administrative process, in the same manner as

the four previous allocation rounds. The area for this new allocation round has been

described as Area 5.

There will be a 10 day application window for applications for point-to-multipoint

transmitter licences in Area 5. The application window for Area 5 will commence at

11:00 am on 22 November 2010 and close at 11:00 am on 6 December 2010.

Applications for Area 5 will only be accepted within this application window. 

Following the completion of the over the counter process in Area 5, the ACMA will

commence a price-based allocation process for the remaining geographic areas

(Northern Rivers, NSW Mid North Coast, Wollongong/Shoalhaven and Murray


The term ‘wireless access service’ (WAS) encompasses the variety of ways that

telecommunications carriers, internet service providers (ISPs) or other service

providers deliver a radio connection from an end-user to a core network, usually a

public network, such as a public switched telephone network, the internet, or a

local/wide area network. 

WAS covers a range of other terms such as: fixed wireless access (FWA),

broadband wireless access (BWA), wireless local loop (WLL), multipoint distribution

system (MDS) and radio local area network (RLAN).

Complete details on the allocation and application process, including the boundaries

of Area 5 and relevant technical documentation, can be viewed on the ACMA web


A summary of the allocation results for licences in the 3.6 GHz band in the previous

four geographic areas can also be viewed on the ACMA web site.

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For more information or to arrange an interview please contact: Donald

Robertson, Media Manager, on (02) 9334 7980, 0418 86 1766 or

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