Mr139-10:spending Limits Important For Users Of Mobile Premium Services

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28th October 2010, 12:12pm - Views: 1831

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28 October 2010

Spending limits important for users of mobile

premium services 

New research by the Australian Communications and Media Authority into the use

of mobile premium services indicates that, while most people are satisfied with the

services, many have a strong interest in being able to more easily limit how much

they spend. Over two-thirds of parents think it is either very or extremely important

to limit their child’s expenditure on mobile premium services.

‘This research is very relevant to our continuing monitoring and assessment of

mobile premium services, but is also bridging to the future by indicating the

desirability of robust consumer safeguards for future mobile payment mechanisms,

particularly the ability to more generally limit expenditure,’ said ACMA Chairman,

Chris Chapman.

The research reveals:

A quarter of Australians used at least one mobile premium service, either

for a one-off purchase or a subscription service, in the 12 months to April


Only one in ten users of mobile premium services indicated any level of


Almost two-thirds of respondents reported interest in having greater control

over how much they spend on mobile premium services

Parents are particularly interested in ways to manage their children’s


38 per cent of users received an unrequested premium SMS or MMS

message in the last three months, and nearly a third of these had difficulty

stopping the unwanted service.

The ACMA has strongly encouraged mobile carriers to develop arrangements which

give mobile customers more control over how much they spend on premium


It will also use the research findings to inform discussions about consumer

safeguards required for future mobile phone-based payment services. 

‘Mobile phone-based payments will soon become increasingly common for a wide

range of day-to-day purchases. The ACMA is leading consideration of appropriate

consumer safeguards for the next generation of mobile phone-based payments, by

shining a light on the needs, expectations and behaviours of consumers in this

increasingly complex space,’ said Mr Chapman. 

The Mobile Premium Services User Survey 2010 report and Community Research

Into Attitudes Towards Use of Mobile Payment in Australia report are available from

the ACMA website.

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Information for consumers about mobile premium services is also available from the

ACMA website.

For more information or to arrange an interview please contact: Donald

Robertson, Media Manager, on (02) 9334 7980, 0418 86 1766 or

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