Telstra Expects Record Sms Usage Over New Year

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30th December 2009, 01:50pm - Views: 1229

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Media contact: Peter Habib 0417 100 191

Reference: 428/2009

Telstra expects record SMS usage over New Year

30 December 2009 - Telstra expects more than 66 million SMS to be sent across Telstra's network

on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, two million more than last year’s record.

Over New Year’s eve and day, Telstra customers will:

make around 31 million mobile calls; up from 19.5 million last year

make more than 25,500 video calls; up from 19,000 last year

send more than 850,000 picture messages

Telstra Consumer Executive Director, Jenny Young, said this year’s SMS prediction was

approximately 52 million more than what was sent over the same period* five years ago. 

“In between champagne bottles popping and fireworks cracking, our customers will keep their fingers

busy over the New Year’s period using their phones to keep in contact with loved ones across the

country and around the world,” Ms Young said. 

Thousands of customers are also expected to use video calling and picture messaging to send

photos and personalised messages, ring tones and icons to family and friends. 

"With camera phones now a standard feature in many mobile devices, we expect more than 850,000

picture messages will be shared over the New Year’s period. Whether you want to send a shot of

your party dress to a friend or video call family members living interstate, sending picture messages

and video calling is the next best thing to being there!” 

Ms Young said 11pm to midnight was traditionally the busiest hour for sending SMS on New Year’s


To ensure customers can keep in touch, Telstra will be closely monitoring the performance of the

network throughout the New Year period, in particular at key holiday and celebration locations.

"While customers may experience some short delays in getting calls or messages though during this

period of time, we encourage them to be patient, wait a few minutes before trying again," Ms Young


*New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day 

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