Supercomputers Work Like Test Tubes
7th April 2008 -
Views: 1329
The development of new drugs has been given a high-tech speed boost by chemists at the Australian National University using a supercomputer.
Thomson Scientific Begins Expansion Of Web Of Science
1st April 2008 -
Views: 1387
For more than two years, Thomson Scientific has reviewed thousands of regional journals in all areas of science, social science and arts and humanities.
Media Alert - No Job Too Big For This Clever Shrimp
31st March 2008 -
Views: 1364
This SHRIMP is six metres long, weighs 12 tonnes and has the ability to analyse trace elements inside individual minerals smaller than a grain of sand.
A New Research Classification For A New Century
31st March 2008 -
Views: 1343
The 2008 Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC) was developed to meet the dual needs for a comprehensive description of today's research environment.
National Mesaurement Institute Open Day
13th September 2010 -
Views: 1357
To ensure its ability to meet Australia's future needs, NMI also undertakes a range of innovative research projects, including participation in international collaborations aimed at improving the definition of the kilogram and the accuracy of time and frequency measurements.