Scientific Press Releases & Articles 16 - 20 of 79

Sa Scientist Receives Top National Accolade starstarstarstarstar   6th November 2009 - Views: 1410 Sa Scientist Receives Top National Accolade This prestigious honour is part of the Australian Institute of Policy and Science’s Tall Poppy Campaign and takes its name from Australia’s first Nobel Laureate in Medicine, Sir Howard Florey, who made an indelible impact on world health by developing penicillin.

Obituary: Professor James Boyer Brown starstarstarstarstar   4th November 2009 - Views: 1436 The scientific and medical community mourns the loss of our esteemed colleague and good friend Emeritus Professor James Boyer Brown AM, MSc (NZ), PhD (Edin), MSc (Melb), DSc (Edin), FRANZCOG (Ad Eundem), Life Member Fertility Society of Australia.

Media Alert - Wireless Funds For Australian Science starstarstarstarstar   19th October 2009 - Views: 1349 Media Alert  - Wireless Funds For Australian Science A fund to support Australian science made possible by the success of CSIRO’s Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) technology will be launched tomorrow (Tuesday, October 20) by the Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, Senator the Hon Kim Carr. The Science and Industry Endowment Fund will support fundamental scientific research with potential to benefit Australia, as well as research aimed at solving major challenges facing us today and in future.

Geoscience Australia Open Day 2009 starstarstarstarstar   16th October 2009 - Views: 1351 The world of geoscience will open to the community this Sunday 18 October as Geoscience Australia holds its annual Open Day from 10am to 4pm.

Media Alert - Csiro Medals Announced starstarstarstarstar   13th October 2009 - Views: 1450 Media Alert - Csiro Medals Announced The CSIRO will tomorrow celebrate the work of some of its staff through the annual CSIRO Medals awards in Melbourne.

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