Information Technology Press Releases & Articles 621 - 625 of 665

Valimo Wireless Introduces Mobile Authentication For Openid starstarstarstarstar   17th February 2009 - Views: 1423 Valimo Wireless Introduces Mobile Authentication For Openid Valimo, the global market leader in mobile ID solutions, introduces mobile authentication for OpenID. OpenID authentication eliminates the need for multiple usernames across different websites.

Nxp Software's Lifevibes(tm) Quickstart Boosts The Mobile Tv Experience! starstarstarstarstar   17th February 2009 - Views: 1356 Nxp Software's Lifevibes(tm) Quickstart Boosts The Mobile Tv Experience! NXP Software today unveiled its innovative LifeVibes(TM) QuickStart software at the GSMA Mobile World Congress 2009.

Acision Powers Sprint's Advanced Messaging Services As North America's Messaging Traffic Looks Set T starstarstarstarstar   17th February 2009 - Views: 1421 Acision Powers Sprint's Advanced Messaging Services As North America's Messaging Traffic Looks Set T With global messaging traffic set to soar to record numbers in 2009 and North American messaging looking likely to hit double-digit growth[i], Sprint, one of North America's leading mobile operators, has deployed Acision's advanced messaging infrastructure within its network.

Correction!! Acision Launches Text Suite - The World's First Open Service Text Architecture starstarstarstarstar   17th February 2009 - Views: 1445 Correction!!  Acision Launches Text Suite - The World's First Open Service Text Architecture -- The 5th paragraph, last sentence should read "" Acision expects that today's mobile messaging revenues are just the tip of a much larger iceberg and predicts that mobile messaging revenues have the potential to double from $84 billion to $165 billion by 2011. "" and not "" $165 million "" as originally issued.

Stantum Adds Finger-pressure Detection To Its Patented Pmatrix Multi-touch Detection Platform starstarstarstarstar   14th February 2009 - Views: 1399 Stantum Adds Finger-pressure Detection To Its Patented Pmatrix Multi-touch Detection Platform Stantum Technologies ( , a pioneer developer of multi-touch sensing technology, is demonstrating at the Mobile World Congress (Hall 2.1, Stand 2.1F67) next week a unique new finger-pressure detection capability for its patented PMatrix(TM), a resistive multi-touch detection platform that lets users simultaneously move an unlimited number of fingers, fingernails or utensils (such as styli) on a screen.

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