Stratify Legal Discovery(tm) Service Achieves Sas-70 Certification
25th March 2009 -
Views: 1277
SAS-70, or Statement on Auditing Standard, is an internationally recognized auditing system developed and maintained by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and is awarded to service organizations that have implemented stringent internal controls.
Expert Comment On Internet Filter
24th March 2009 -
Views: 1280
The Federal Government’s plans for an internet filter have come under renewed criticism, after Australia’s third-largest internet service provider, iiNet, announced it was pulling out of a planned technical trial.
Atmail Announces Archivevault, A Secure, Searchable Email Archive Appliance
24th March 2009 -
Views: 1193
AtMail, a leading provider of easy-to-use, Linux-based email management appliances and software, today announced the availability of ArchiveVault, a new "plug-n-play," email archival system available in a compact network appliance.
North Side Unveils Bot Colony, The World's First Conversation Video Game At Gdc
24th March 2009 -
Views: 1149
North Side Inc., of Montreal, will unveil a prototype of its Bot Colony(TM) title ( ) at GDC in San Francisco on March 25 - 27 (booth 5016 NH).
.tel Iphone Application To Revolutionize Web Publishing
23rd March 2009 -
Views: 1203
The arrival of My .tel means that, for the first time ever, anyone can edit and publish information on the Web under their own domain without needing web design skills or software or even a PC.