Gambling Away Our Wellbeing
3rd November 2009 -
Views: 1477
New research has revealed that gambling once a week or more is bad for wellbeing.
Asia Gaining Innovation Advantage Over U.s. Cities
26th October 2009 -
Views: 1421
The report found that United States cities long-term infrastructure advantages were eroding to Asia, but also
sets out clear steps U.S. cities could take to regain their advantages.
Research Needed To Overcome Agricultural Limits To Australian Lifestyle
23rd October 2009 -
Views: 1355
An Australian Academy of Science Think Tank has found that a practical disconnect between the work of social scientists and natural scientists is a major impediment to solving the challenges posed by increased population.
Nktr-105 Demonstrates Superior Antitumor Activity And Improved Pharmacokinetics
23rd April 2009 -
Views: 1374
In a comparative study of NKTR-105 and docetaxel, NKTR-105 treatment significantly delayed tumor growth as compared to docetaxel (122% v. 48%), which was associated with greater and sustained tumor exposure to docetaxel
after NKTR-105 administration.
Getting More From Whole-transcript Microarrays
22nd May 2009 -
Views: 1434
The widely-used Affymetrix Whole-Transcript Gene 1.0 ST (sense target) microarray platform, normally used to assay gene expression, can also be utilized to interrogate exon-specific splicing.